Tony the Tour Guy's Blog

A not very regular series of posts on New York City history, historic preservation, genealogy and related themes.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Let's Abolish "Fedders Houses!"

You've seen them - those cheap-looking brick 2 and 3-family homes, sometimes with a garage, that developers are throwing up all over Queens. They call 'em "Fedders" houses on account of the air conditioner covers that typically adorn them.

Fedders Houses have no class. They're certainly not ritzy. Nor do they have the funky charm so evident in many working-class communities. No, they are just boxes for people.


At 3:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass you're never going to read this since you've probably croaked but the picture in your rant is a post-war house built in the 50s not a Fedders house


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